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The study investigated the effects of project and discussion methods on students‘ performance in Economics in senior secondary schools in Ekiti State, Nigeria. Five objectives were formulated for the study among which are to: ascertain the effect of project and conventional method on the performance of economics students in senior secondary schools, Ekiti State; determine the effect of discussion and conventional method on the performance of economics students in senior secondary schools, Ekiti State; and find out the performance of students taught economics using project and discussion methods in urban and rural senior secondary schools in Ekiti State. In line with these objectives, five corresponding research questions and hypotheses were formulated for the study. Relevant literatures on the key variables of the study were reviewed, while the study was anchored on three relevant theories, such as Constructivist Learning Theory, Gagne‘s Theory of Instruction, and Cultural-Historical Activity Theory. The study adopted quasi-experimental research design. The target population of the study was made up of 10,784 SSII students from the entire 183 public secondary schools in Ekiti State. The sample size for the study consisted of 212 SSII students from six schools with intact classes. This sample size was arrived   at   using   purposive   sampling   technique.   The   instrument   tagged   ―Economics Students Project and Discussion Test (ESPDT)‖ was used for the purpose of data collection in the study. After validation by economics experts and researcher‘s supervisors, the instrument was pilot tested using a test/retest method. The two sets of scores obtained were subjected to Spearman-Brown formula and a reliability coefficient of 0.89 was obtained. Data for the study was collected through the administration of pre-test and post- test. The demographic data of the respondents was analysed using descriptive statistics which involves frequencies and percentages while mean and standard deviation was used to answer the research questions. Independent sample t-test and Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) were used to test the hypotheses advanced for the study at 0.05 level of significance. Findings from the study among others on hypothesis one did not reveal significant difference between the performance of economics students taught with project and conventional methods in  senior secondary schools  in Ekiti State (p-value .699 > 0.005). However, finding on hypothesis two revealed that students taught economics using discussion method had a better performance mean score than students taught using conventional method in senior secondary schools in Ekiti State (p-value .003 < 0.005). Finding on hypothesis three also showed that students taught economics using discussion method performed better than those taught using project method in urban and rural senior secondary schools in Ekiti State (p-value .000 < 0.005). In view of the findings from this study, conclusion was drawn that project method can be effective when combined with other methods in teaching economics. The result of the study also proved that different methods suit different purposes and abilities, discussion method has been proved to be more effective in developing social and analytical skills in students. Based on the findings of this study, it was recommended among others that Teachers of economics should ensure that daily class work and assignment given to students include relevant project activities as much as possible. Teachers should also promote discussion as a method of teaching economics as it will encourage and motivate students to participate actively in class. Furthermore, students‘ listening and speaking skills can be enhanced through discussion method.

